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Transition To Trinity 2024/2025

Trinity School Vision

We believe that every young person in our care is uniquely valuable, important and deserves the chance to flourish. Our vision is of a hopeful, compassionate community which provides every student with the knowledge, skills and opportunities to enable them to lead a full and fulfilling life.  John 10:10

Headteacher’s Welcome

Although we are a large school, which allows us to offer a wide range of courses and activities, we try to behave as if we were a very small one, with a ‘village’ feel and a big emphasis on the unique importance of each individual.

We make no apology for our focus on high standards as we want the best for every one of our students: we insist on high standards in approach to learning and in behaviour. We work to offer a high standard of education and of pastoral care. We encourage responsibility, both for self and for others. Each student is encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning, and to be responsible in the way they treat others, both in school and in the world beyond school. Responsibility and care for others reflects the Christian ethos of our school.

We also seek to provide wide ranging opportunities both within the curriculum we offer and in activities beyond the curriculum so that we educate the whole person and prepare our students well for life.

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Our Values and Ethos

Trinity School is a dynamic community that promotes enjoyment in learning and extensive opportunities for young people in a warm and friendly environment. Our students consistently achieve positive outcomes in both their GCSE and A Level studies. 

This academic excellence does not happen by accident; it is as a result of the highest expectations of all our students and staff.

 We work in partnership with students and parents to ensure the very best academic achievements for all our students. We encourage students to have a love for learning. We believe we provide them with the right skills, aptitudes and an appetite for learning that will last for a lifetime

As a Church of England school we believe that everyone should have the opportunity to flourish; we are a diverse community made up of staff and students of all faiths and none. We have close links with Carlisle Cathedral, and during the autumn term all year 7 students will visit the Cathedral for a workshop. Just after October half-term there will be a welcome service for year 7 at the Cathedral, led by our School Chaplain – parents, carers and family members are welcome to attend.

Uniform Information

Trinity School strongly believes that students should be smartly dressed. We expect all of our students to attend wearing the School’s uniform correctly. Uniform checks take place on a daily basis, as students arrive at the school, and throughout the day. Sanctions are issued daily for those ignoring uniform requirements. 

If for some unavoidable reason a student is temporarily unable to wear an item of uniform a not must be brought from a parent/carer and presented to the Pastoral Office before morning registration.

The student will then be issued with a uniform card by the Head of Year/Year Group Tutor, which should then be shown to each subject teacher to explain the unorthodox clothing. This uniform card will indicate an agreed deadline by which time the uniform breach should be corrected. Thereafter, students may be subject to school sanctions as appropriate.

The 2024/2025 Year 7’s that will be joining us will need to have the green flash on their jumpers, that will stick with them throughout the 5 years at Trinity School.

PE Kit for Boys

  • Plain white round-necked T-shirt
  • School Rugby top
  • Black shorts (no brand logo)
  • Plain, long black socks
  • Trainers & Football boots
  • Shin pads are required for football and gum shields are recommended for rugby
  • Swimming shorts (any colour) and towel

PE Kit for Girls

  • Plain white round-necked T-shirt
  • Black skort or shorts (no brand logo)
  • Plain, long black socks
  • Trainers
  • Shin pads are required for football and hockey
  • Swimming costume (any colour) and towel
  • Trinity sweatshirt optional
  • Plain black (no brand logo) tracksuit bottoms are optional

Optional for Colder Months

  • Base layer skin in Black;
  • Traditional style cuffed tracksuit bottoms or performance fit slim athletic training pants in Black;
  • Plain Black Tracksuit bottom, please (no logo).

For Swimming

  • Plain one piece swimming costume (bikinis/tankinis are not permitted);
  • Plain swimming trunks/swimming shorts (Bermuda shorts are not permitted);
  • Plain black swimming cap with/without logo;
  • A towel is required.

We recommend that students should have the following items;

  • A towel for alternative weather;
  • Gum shields & shin pads for Rugby and Hockey;
  • Shin pads for football.

Using the Internet

Using the school ICT facilities is a key part of the curriculum and is a valuable tool in the progress being made by all students. However, the safe usage of this tool is vital to maintain the e-safety of each individual in the school.

To assist in the protection of our students, the school uses an up to date monitoring system and firewall that monitors all traffic leaving and coming into the school. Social media is not accessible in any form using the school system and all searches are automatically checked for their content. Students are not able to access the school system using their own devices to protect against the transmission of electronic virus’ etc that could cause damage to your home system and/or the school network.

There is an expectation that an acceptable user agreement is signed by students at the start of the academic year.



  • All our teachers will be setting homework via an online platform called ClassCharts. Staff will post the task, deadline and additional resources on this platform to which students will have a personal log in.
  • Staff can monitor who is therefore engaging with homework and who requires additional support. Students will receive their log in on their first day in September. Also within the first half term we will send home personal log ins for parents and carers so that you can keep track of what homework is being set and support its completion.
  • Visitors constantly comment on the fantastic way that students conduct themselves around the building and we always receive excellent feedback from trip facilitators when our students are out on educational visits.
  • Trinity School rewards students for going above and beyond in their studies and students are recognised for their hard work and dedication through reward logs via the class charts system. This is an online system which enables behaviour events to be recorded.
  • Your child’s behaviour and progress will be closely reviewed and monitored during each lesson and if they have gone above and beyond in their studies they will receive achievement logs to reward such endeavour.
  • Disruptive behaviour in lessons is entirely unacceptable. It will be addressed positively and will only lead to further sanctions if students fail to respond appropriately.

What do I need to know about homework?

The aim of setting students homework is to improve the learning through the experience of self-study, using initiative and building up resilience. Trinity School will provide opportunities to:
  • Learn independently of the teacher;
  • Complete learning started in the classroom;
  • Experience meeting of deadlines in preparation for Post 16 study and lifelong skills;
  • Re visit past learning to consolidate knowledge in preparing for examinations.

How can parents help?

Finding the right balance, when giving homework help, is tricky. It is temping especially when they have just started Year 7 to help with homework. However, too much help can mean, in the short term, that the days lesson is not reinforced. 

In the long term, if parents are overseeing homework too much, out students won’t learn the organisation skills they need. They can become disconnected from understanding their responsibilities when it comes to homework.

2024 School Timetable

What we expect

We expect every student to have their bag and pencil case every day; a 4 way pen (or equivalent black, red, blue and green pens), a pencil, a rubber, a ruler and your school planner. 

You should also have a maths set and a scientific calculator for your maths lessons and a French/Spanish dictionary for your language lessons.

We also expect you to bring the specific equipment for practical subjects such as correct ingredients for Food Technology & on the days you have PE, you will need to bring your PE Kit.

Safeguarding and Security

The safety and well-being of everyone in our school is very important. We have a big city centre site, but our students feel safe and are safe. We have CCTV cameras, restricted entrances, staff on duty, walkie talkies

Good Risk Assessments are done for school activities on and off site. All our staff and volunteers have been checked through the CRB system. Mr Charnock has the responsibility for safeguarding issues in school and should be contacted if there are any concerns in this regard. In his absence, this role passes to Mrs Studholme as Deputy DSL and the Headteacher.

See our Safeguarding Statement below

Extra-Curricular Activities

Many students take part in activities at lunchtime and after school on a voluntary basis. Currently these include numerous sports practices and team games, dance and gymnastics. Musical groups work most days, including choirs, orchestras and ensembles. Other regular clubs include the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, Trinity School Theatre Company, the Art Club and the Dance Club, to name but a few. Each term delivers a different programme ensuring that an array of interests are catered for.

Taking part in an extra-curricular activity is usually a very good way to make new friends and to develop particular skills. We hope that all parents/carers will encourage their children to grasp the opportunities on offer.

Students are responsible for informing parents/carers that they will be late home when attending practices, matches or meetings and in normal circumstances students should make their own transport arrangements. Termly programmes are shared via Tutors, affording students the opportunity to plan individual schedules around wider commitments.


Trinity School operates a cashless catering system which provides lots of advantages for the school, pupils and parents:

  • Quicker service and shorter queues at lunch and break times
  • Discourages dinner money being spent in shops outside school on unhealthy snacks such as chocolate and crisps
  • Automatic ‘Free School Meals’ allocation with students remaining anonymous
  • Parents can receive reports of the use of the system

Form Groups

Before students join us in Year 7 there are extensive discussions with Primary School colleagues, and we work hard to ensure that each form has a similar range of ability. Each student will usually be in the same form with at least one other person from the same Primary School, unless we feel it is in the student’s best interests to be in a form away from former friends. We hope that all students will make the most of a new beginning and extend their circle of friends.

Each form group can normally expect to stay together for the full five years of compulsory schooling and remain with members of their initial Pastoral team, such as the Year group Tutor or Form Tutor for example. However, despite our best endeavours, sometimes change is appropriate, and we reserve the right to make minor adjustments in our form groups when there is a particular need. These changes are not lightly undertaken, and parents/carers are usually consulted.

Contact Information

We hope that this information has answered some of the questions that you may have. Please also view our website to support your child in their transition to Trinity School. Should you have any specific concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Trinity School.

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