“When in doubt, go to the library.”
Welcome to Trinity Library
Trinity has two libraries that are managed by a team of three librarians who are always on hand to help students find resources to support their learning and to promote reading at all levels – for both academic study and for pleasure.
Chapman Library has been purpose-built for Years 7-11 and has an extensive collection of resources to borrow, including a wide variety of contemporary fiction, up-to-date non-fiction – some of which have been specially designed to be dyslexia and Irlen Syndrome friendly. Games and computers are available to use within the library.
Chapman Library is open from 08:15 – 16:00 (15:30 on Friday).
Carliol Library is a dedicated Sixth Form Resource Centre, and students are encouraged to make use of the facilities during their free time and study periods.
Laptops are available to borrow for use within the Sixth Form Centre, and in addition to the good selection of fiction and non-fiction books, there are also, magazines, academic journals and a daily newspaper.
Carliol Library is open from 08:15 – 16:00 (15:30 on Friday).
Search the catalogue, reserve books and find lots of other useful information.
Click the green tab to go straight to the eLibrary (ebooks & Audio Books)
Sign in to both via SSO (Single Sign-On) – if you’re not already logged into the school network, you will need to enter your school email login details.