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Trinity School School Uniform

Years 7 - 11  

Black V-Neck with the school badge and Year Group colour ribbon for ease of identification: The following colours will apply for 2024/25:
Y7: Green;
Y8: Blue;
Y9: White;
Y10: Yellow;
Y11: Red;

The Year Group will retain the same colour during their five years in the 11-16 school; this will mean, for example, that when Y8 move to become Y9, they will still wear the green stripe.

School Tie  
Clip-On Tie for boys and girls

A white collared shirt capable of being worn with a tie

Trousers or Skirt  
Black Trousers (of approved style) or Black Traditional Pleated Skirt (knee length).

Black Shoes
Plain black school shoes which can be polished they must have no markings or logo or different coloured stitching.

PE Kit for all years:

PE Kit for Boys:

Plain white round-necked T-shirt
School Rugby top
Black shorts (no brand logo)
Plain, long black socks
Trainers & Football boots
Shin pads are required for football and gum shields are recommended for rugby
Swimming shorts (any colour) and towel

PE Kit for Girls:

Plain white round-necked T-shirt
Black skort or shorts (no brand logo)
Plain, long black socks
Shin pads are required for football and hockey
Swimming costume (any colour) and towel
Trinity sweatshirt optional
Plain black (no brand logo) tracksuit bottoms are optional
Trinity PE leggings – (these are an optional extra and the only leggings acceptable within PE lessons).