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Trinity School Admissions

Applying to join the school

As Trinity has academy status, it is the Governing Body that is responsible for admissions.  Each year it publishes an Admission policy. 

Applying to join Year 7

Students in Year 6 need to apply for a place at Trinity School through the central Cumbria County Council Admissions Team.   The details of how to do this are available on their website at

Applying to join the school in other year groups

If you would like to apply for a place at Trinity School Years 7 to 11 you should contact the Cumbria County Council Admissions service and complete an SA8 In-Year Admission Form.  You can contact the School Admission and Appeals Team either by phone 01228 221582 or by email  Alternatively, you can download the application form SA8 at the Cumbria County Councils Website

Return the completed form to the School Admissions Team by email or post.

Sixth Form Admissions

For Sixth Form admissions please see the Sixth Form section of the Trinity website.

This map is only to be used as a guide to our catchment area.  Please contact the Local Authority’s school places team (01228 221582) if you have any queries regarding properties near our catchment boundaries

Trinity Catchment map (pdf)


Where the school is unable to admit a student because the year group is oversubscribed parents/carers have the right to an appeal to an independent admissions appeals panel. Parents/carers who wish to lodge an appeal should notify the Clerk to the Admissions Appeals Panel c/o Trinity School within 20 days of receiving the letter refusing a place.

All admissions/appeals enquiries should be addressed to