Key Information
Name: William Sinclair
DoB: September 29 1897
Regt: Private. London Regt. Manchester Regiment
DoD: Missing, presumed killed in action, Sept. 11-12, 1917.
Academic Career: C.C.. Minor Scholar, 1910. CGS 1910-13.
Other: Civil Service, boy clerk.
Biographical Information:
William was the son of William and Jane Sinclair of Lanarkshire, Scotland. His father was a railway clerk in the 1901 census and the family was living at Govan. There were four children and William was the youngest. He had two older sisters, Jessie and Maggie, and an older brother John. By the 1911 census the family was living at 34 Thornton Road, Stanwix, Carlisle and William’s father was described as a railway parcels agent. Brother John was now also a railway clerk and sister Margaret is described as a “clerkess”!