Key Information
Name: William Dalton Columbo Sharp
DoB: April 17 1882
Regt: Norfolk
DoD: October 9 1917
Academic Career: CGS 1895
Biographical Information:
William has the unusual distinction of having been born at sea, aboard the Ship Columbo (Indian Ocean), hence his name. His older sister Annie was also born on the Columbo (English Ch)in 1883; as was his younger brother Robert Columbo (Atlantic) 1886. There was also an older brother, Jeremiah (B.1891), and three younger siblings Norah (1889), Johnston (1891) and Margaret (1893), who were all born at Bowness on Solway. This was where their father Johnstone Sharp was born around 1841. The 1851 and 1861 censuses see him living at Drumburgh and Glasson (as an apprentice) respectively. He became a ship master and by 1901 was retired and living at Aglionby Street, Carlisle. His mother Margaret originated in Scotland. She was born c. 1853.