Key Information
Name:Reginald John Atkinson
DoB: January 3 1898
Regt: Rifleman 243773, Liverpool
DoD: June 3 1917
Academic Career: CGS 1914 – 1916
Other: son of Thomas Atkinson, Bowness-on-Solway
Biographical Information:
Reginald John Atkinson was born at Bowness-on-Solway, a small fishing/farming community, which is twelve miles west of Carlisle. His father Thomas was the local schoolmaster. Reginald was the youngest of Thomas and Mary’s five children. When Reginald was six months old his brother Thomas died in an outbreak of measles.
Thomas and Mary had married at Darlington in 1881, Thomas’s family were from County Durham and Mary’s from Manfield, Yorkshire. They moved to the Bowness area when Thomas was appointed headteacher of Anthorn School and later of Bowness School so they moved to the village and lived there for over thirty years. Thomas was a meticulous keeper of school records and even records the death of his son. He shut the school for several days when Reginald died.
Teaching was part of the Atkinson family’s way of life Reginald became a pupil teacher at Bowness, and an assistant teacher at Burgh by Sands School, and his sisters and brother also taught.