Key Information
Name: Beresford Karr Horan
DoB: January 14 1892
Regt: 30th Wellington Rifles, Canadian Expeditionary Force
DoD: December 24 1915
Academic Career: CGS 1899, Royal Naval College, Marlborough College
Biographical Information:
Beresford Karr Horan was the elder son of the Rev Charles Trevor Horan and his wife Edith. Both families had an army and church tradition, which included service overseas, Beresford’s father was born in India and was Chaplain of All Saint’s, Cairo when Beresford died. The Horan family also had a tradition of attending Cambridge University. Beresford’s family moved around with his father’s career. Beresford was born in Cambridge; he had one brother and one sister, and by the age of nine he was already away at boarding school in Norfolk.