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Henry Frederick Edgecumbe Edwardes


Key Information

Name: Henry Frederick Edgecumbe Edwardes
DoB: December 21 1878
Regt: Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry
DoD: Feb 6 1917
Other: Our only Teacher!
Biographical Information:

  • Henry was one of five children born to Edgecumbe Ferguson Edwardes and his wife Emily Yair nee Dobson.  All the Edwardes family had the name Edgecumbe as one of their Christian names even the girls! The family moved around constantly so have been difficult to trace. Henry and one sister were born in Kent. His other three siblings were born at Windlesham and Kensington. The family eventually settled at Crediton, Devon. His father was a solicitor, born in India where his father was Physician General for H.M. Bombay Army. Henry’s paternal grandmother, Margueretta Leslie was born “at sea off Malta“; her family probably came from Scotland The Dobsons were more settled, having lived in the Selby area of Yorkshire for at least two generations. Emily’s brother was a captain in the army and his wife was born in Quebec.