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Edward Hughes Dodgson

Key Information

Name: Edward Hughes Dodgson
DoB:  September 5 1876
Regt: 5th Battallion, Border & Sapper 160531 Royal Engineers
DoD: May  3 1918 at a casualty clearing station
Academic Career: CGS  May 1893 – July 1895 as a boarder
Other: son of Henry  Dodgson Esq., Derwent House, Cockermouth.

Edward Hughes Dodgson

Biographical Information

  • Edward Hughes Dodgson was one of eleven children born to Cockermouth Doctor Henry Dodgson and his wife Frances. Sadly his father died in July 1882 leaving his mother to bring up the surviving seven daughters and two sons. His father left nearly £8,000 in his will equivalent to £386,000 today. The Dodgsons had lived in the Cockermouth area for several generations and although his mother was born in London her mother was also from the area. For over 40 years the family home was Derwent House, Crown Street, Cockermouth.