Key Information
Name: Douglas Ronald Maurice Hannay
DoB: April 16 1897
Regt: Royal Marine Light Infantry no. PLY/1400S
DoD: Nov 7 1917
Academic Career: Ashby de la Zouch Grammar School; CGS 1912-4
Biographical Information:
Douglas was the youngest of nine children born to John and Mary Hannay of Pouton, Garlieston, Wigtownshire. The Hannay family was long established in the area. His father had a farm of 320 acres and was an accountant too. Douglas however was born in Glasgow at his maternal grandparents’ home. His maternal grandfather William Cairney was a shipbroker. The family employed servants and had a governess for Douglas’ sisters. Three of his five sisters married within weeks of each other in 1918, they were all in their thirties.