Key Information
Name: Douglas Alexander Mackay Shepherd
DoB: Dec 12 1890
Regt: Rifleman 6029, 16th Battalion London Regiment (Queen’s Westminster Rifles)
DoD: September 19 1916
Academic Career: CGS 1901-10; Queen’s College Oxford
Biographical Information
Douglas was the sixth of seven sons born to the Canon William Mutrie Shepherd, Vicar of St John’s Carlisle. The older three sons and a daughter were born to the Canon’s first wife, Caroline; Douglas was the son of Mary Elizabeth (Boutflower) the Canon’s second wife. He grew up living at the Vicarage, although by 1911 his home address (following the death of his father) was 170, Warwick Road, Carlisle. Three of his brothers also attended the grammar school, of these two served in the War and survived.