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Cyril Herbert Le Tall

Cyril Herbert Le Tall
Cyril Herbert Le Tall

Key Information

Name:Cyril Herbert Le Tall
DoB: September 20 1888
Regt: 1st London
DoD: August 30 1918
Academic Career: CGS 1902-4
Other:Father William Le Tall, 4, St. Giles’ Avenue, Lincoln
Biographical Information:

  • Cyril was the elder son of William Le Tall and his second wife Anne Rebecca Arnold. The Le Tall’s were a prosperous family, Cyril’s grandfather Henry had founded Henry Le Tall Ltd. Henry was born in Yorkshire and presumably business brought him to Lincoln. In 1871 he bought the five sail mill which still carries his name. The company milled flour, the mill was later converted to run on steam. Henry was living in Yorkshire in 1911 and died there in 1913 leaving a fortune of nearly £50,000. Henry outlived his son William by nearly ten years as he had died in 1904, the same year that Cyril left the grammar school where he boarded. His only brother Eric who was ten years younger was sent to school in Sheffield and then to Repton both much nearer to home.