Key Information
Name: Arthur Hetherington
DoB: August 20 1888
Regt: King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry
DoD: March 22 1918
Academic Career: CGS 1905-7
Biographical Information:
Arthur was the youngest of ten children born to Samuel Hetherington and his wife Annie Barnfather. Both families were large and had been in the Brampton area for many generations. Arthur had 15 aunts and uncles, the majority of whom were hand loom weavers. Samuel began his working career as a weaver too, but soon progressed to become a rural manager, and later combined the jobs of a postman with being a boot and shoe dealer. They lived on Back Street 1851-91, and then on Main Street. Samuel died in 1905 and in 1911 his widow and four of their children including Arthur were living in Shields House, Brampton which had 11 rooms. Arthur and his brother Samuel both became school teachers. By 1918 Samuel and his sister Mary were living at 27, River Street, Carlisle, Arthur gave this as his permanent address on enlistment on 1915