Key Information
Name: Arthur Edward Basil Dixon
DoB: September 26 1889
Regt: 5th Batt Loyal North Lancs Regt
DoD: June 6 1915
Academic Career: CGS 1889 – 1903. Denstone College Sept 1903.
Other:son of F P Dixon Esq., 7, Howard Terrace, Carlisle. Worked at Messers Dobson & Barlow cotton machine works, Bolton. Joined Fine Spinners Association at Bolton.
Biographical Information:
Peter and Arthur were the two youngest sons of Francis Peter and Jane Dixon. The family business had been cotton manufacturing for several generations. The large chimney in Carlisle is still known as Dixon’s Chimney, and was part of their mill. The family wound up the business in 1883. Peter and Arthur’s great grandfather another Peter had established a large family home at Holme Eden, in 1861 he was living there with his family and they had a dozen servants living in! Both great grandsons lived there with a large extended family.
The Dixon family were well known in Carlisle’s political circles, their father was Mayor of Carlisle on four occasions, their great grandfather had been Carlisle’s mayor too, their gt gt uncle had been High Sheriff of Cumberland and had been an M.P. Other members of the family had also held public office.
Arthur’s gt grandfather was a devout Christian and he provided the land, and paid for the construction of St.Paul’s Church at Holme Eden near Warwick Bridge, it was consecrated by the Bishop of Carlisle in 1845.