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James Herbert Batey


Key Information

Name: James Herbert Batey
DoB:  November 6 1893
Regt:  S/8625 Lance Corporal Gordon Highlanders
DoD: May 16 1915
Academic Career: CGS 1907-08

J H Batey Longtown Memorial
J H Batey Longtown Memorial

Biographical Information

  • James was one of thirteen children born to James and Elizabeth Batey, a well known Longtown family who had a gamedealer’s business at 37 English Street for many years. The Batey family had farmed in the area for at least eight generations! James’s mother was Elizabeth Newby before she married. His father died in 1931 and his mother in 1945.

    After James left school he joined the family business in Longtown. On enlistment he described himself as a fishmonger.